Faith Training Christian Academy
Leesville, La
K4-12th grade
Welcome to FTCA!
Philosophy of Education
The educational philosophy of FTCA is dependent upon the Bible to provide the viewpoint for interpreting any subject or school activity. The entire process of education is seen as a means used by God to bring the student to Himself through personal faith in Christ. The mandate for Christian education comes from God’s command that children are to be taught to love God and to give Him supremacy in their lives, and from the Biblical teaching that parents are responsible for the total education of their children.
We believe the words of Jesus when He said that we are “the salt of the earth” and the “light of the world” (Matthew 5:13-14). As a result, we view FTCA as a lighthouse in this community. We desire to be evangelistic in nature, drawing people to our school in order that Jesus may transform lives.
We also desire to be an extension of the Christian home and educate children “in the nurture and admonition of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4). At times, this will allow for the simple presentation of the gospel, while at other times “solid food for the mature, who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil” (Hebrews 5:14). This will necessitate that we will have both saved and lost, mature and immature on our campus at the same time.
Spiritual: To foster the Christian faith through the integration of faith with learning, living, and service
Academic: To provide a sound education, based on the biblical worldview
Patriotic: To encourage an understanding of American heritage, civic responsibilities, and love of country
Social/Cultural: To cultivate an appreciation of fine arts, an understanding of the world, and adherence to high personal standards
Physical: To encourage a healthy, balanced life-style and to promote Christ-like sportsmanship in every aspect of competition
Implementation of Plan
Spiritual: Daily Bible classes provide students with knowledge of biblical facts and stories and encourage students to strive for higher moral standards within their school, family, and community. Weekly chapel services involve students in worship and inspire them to serve.
Academic: A strong curriculum from a Christian perspective will be predominantly used and instruction will be based upon a Christian perspective and viewpoint. Annual assessment will ensure that students are provided a well-rounded education comparable to state and national standards. Faculty will be evaluated based upon performance and qualifications and will be positioned to best serve students.
Patriotic: Daily, students pledge their allegiance to our country and to God. The school also promotes President’s Day and has a special Veteran’s Day program. Occasionally, students interact with Army chaplains who are guest speakers at weekly chapel services.
Social/Cultural: Various social/academic clubs are offered to encourage social interaction within the school and Community and allow students to interact with people of different interests, races, and cultures. These clubs include, but are not limited to, 4-H, Junior & Senior High Beta Club, High School Banquet, and sports activities.
Physical: Physical Education and Health courses will challenge and instruct students to become physically disciplined individuals. In sports, students will be trained to think from a Christian perspective and focus on self-confidence, teamwork, and self-discipline. Teachers and coaches will lead students in Christ-like sportsmanship and fair play.