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Faith Training Christian Academy is supported solely by student tuition and gifts from friends of the Academy.


2025-2026 Tuition and Fees Schedule


Financial Policy


Tuition is calculated on the basis of the entire school year. Therefore, no deductions are made for vacations, school holidays, or a student’s absence during the school year.


  • Tuition, Bus Fee and ASC are due on the first of each month and are late after the 10th.


  • There is a $25.00 late payment fee for each child if payment is received after the 10th.


  • If payments have not been received by the 10th of the month, or if you have not contacted the Business Office, the student(s) will be dismissed. If the 10th falls on a weekend or a holiday payment is still due by the 10th.


  • There is a $30.00 service fee for each returned check. If a family has two checks returned to the school for insufficient funds, all accounts will be on a cash or cashier check basis only.


  • If a student attends school for any portion of the month, tuition is required for the full month.


  • Students are held accountable for lost or damaged textbooks, workbooks and library books.


  • Any student who withdraws must complete the necessary withdrawal forms with the school office. Prior to withdrawal, all textbooks (belonging to the school), sports uniforms and school property must be turned in or paid for in full. Report cards, records or transcripts will not be released until all accounts are settled.


Payments for tuition and After School Care can be sent to FTCA.


Payments for school lunches should be sent to FWC.


For questions or more information, contact the school office at 337-239-1055 or email Sue Jeane at

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